End of the Road
To announce even more unfortunate news...It is the end of the road for the Bolles Surface Drifter. It was looking very hopeful with its...

The Charlotte Recovery
The remains of The Charlotte were washed ashore on Daytona Beach and pictures were sent to us from beach-going civilians. Here is what...
Wedding crashes and beach crashes
Interesting news from Seas the Day! She did indeed wash up in St. Augustine...into a wedding party as the couple was saying their vows....

Strike 3: JU is out
The Charlotte has now lost her transmission just outside of Daytona, making her the last of the JU drifters. Below are pictures of The...

Getting close for comfort
It looks like The Charlotte and the Foundation Academy buoy are following the same path as Seas the Day. They seem to be on a straight...
Names Confirmed!
We have been given confirmation from NOAA on which buoy is associated with each tracker! So for now we have 163230812 listed as The...

Strike Two: Another buoy lost
Sadly, we have lost another buoy today! As they were eddying down the coast, Seize the Day got a little too close to shore. This time she...
Drifters new patterns
The drifters at this point are still overall a huge success! Of the five launched, only one went under. They are still grouped together...
Drifter Updates
In the first week of being launched our drifters are still transmitting, minus the loss after the first day. This is a very exciting...

Disappointment in Day One
After the buoys were launched, all 5 pinged in once, letting us know that the tracking device was working correctly and all five buoys...