Well Wilson was still transmitting as of 9/5/15. THe buoy has been silent for about 10 days now. This is not a record, as the battery power starts to wane on the transmitter, the location pings start to come infrequently. As a matter of fact in July, Wilson shut off for an entire month. I was sure that was the last contact we would have from our first drifter project. However the buoy turned back on in late August much further east than before. Wilson is thouroghly caught up in the Gulf stream, now moving from the fast moving western boundary current, in the confluence zone where it meets much colder water mixing in from the Northern parts of the Atlantic off the coasts of Greenland, Iceland and Canada. As a matter of fact as of the last location Wilson is due south of Greenland. Not bad for a first try! We are hoping Wilson will send a few more pings before it finally stops. We would like to know if it moves north into the North Atlantic Drift, or contiues on east for a European vacation. Either way we have learned so much from this little buoy. At least Three on are on tap to be built in the spring. Stay tuned for more updates and for the next round!
Dr. Stalker